Intercultural Development Research Association

Get news and resources about issues facing U.S. education today and strategies to better serve every student. Together we can guarantee that every child graduates from high school ready for college and the world of work.

This app gives you…

  • IDRA Newsletter, 10 per year with occasional supplements
  • IDRA eNews for updates, alerts, resources and education news
  • Graduation for All, focusing on our nation's dropout problem and actions to turn the tide
  • Class-notes Podcast, our award-winning podcast for people who care about excellent and equitable education for all children
  • And more!

Download today!

We welcome your feedback! Let us know any problems you are facing with this app so we can make it better.

Developed by Intercultural Development Research Association independent, non-profit organization that is dedicated to assuring educational opportunity for every student.

The Intercultural Development Research Association works hand-in-hand with hundreds of thousands of educators and families each year in communities and classrooms around the country. All our work rests on an unwavering commitment to creating self-renewing schools that value and promote the success of students of all backgrounds.

  • IDRA Newsletter, 10 per year with occasional supplements
  • IDRA eNews for updates, alerts, resources and education news
  • Graduation for All, focusing on our nation's dropout problem and actions to turn the tide
  • Classnotes Podcast, our award-winning podcast for people who care about excellent and equitable education for all children
  • And more!
View in Blackberry Market


"This app is a great communication vehicle for members and is very convenient to use. It is also a great promotional tool to let our fans know when and where we are playing and best of all, we can sell our music through the app—awesome! ”

Arina Bureeva, Guitarist, Member of
Sacramento Guitar Society